
AFSCME members Dawn Bundick of Alaska and Chris Woloscuk of Florida are veterans and public service employees – two facts that make them especially vulnerable as the COVID-19 pandemic ravages the U.S. economy.

If Congress fails to provide at least $1 trillion in federal aid to struggling states, cities, towns and school districts, millions of state and local government workers could be shown the door as their employers struggle to cope with plummeting tax revenues.

LOS ANGELES – In a union election victory 17 years in the making, child care providers across California have voted overwhelmingly to be represented by their union, Child Care Providers United (CCPU). A joint effort of UDW/AFSCME Local 3930 and SEIU Locals 99 and 521, 97% of voters chose to join CCPU.

AFSCME New Jersey Council 63 is always here for its members, and we know that your needs don't just stop at union issues. That's why we are proud to introduce you to our list of trusted partners that can help to meet the needs of union members and their families. Services include primary healthcare, addiction and mental health services, legal assistance and more. 

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

We know that all of you are aware that CWA and IFPTE reached an agreement to take furlough days in lieu of layoffs earlier this month and you have been asking whether AFSCME members will get the same agreement. We have met with the State several times over the past few weeks but we have not been able to reach an agreement on furloughs. The State has been asking us to give more than what other State employees gave and we will not agree to that. 

Why are we refusing to agree? 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday joined AFSCME President Lee Saunders and front-line public service workers from states experiencing surges in coronavirus cases to urge the Senate to approve at least $1 trillion in flexible aid to states, cities and towns.

AFSCME joined a virtual gathering of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, a movement that seeks to shift the moral narrative of our country and build power for poor and vulnerable people.

AFSCME praised today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that extends protections under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to millions of LGBTQ workers.

In a statement, AFSCME President Lee Saunders said such protections are long overdue and represent an important step in the fight for equality and justice for all workers.